Friday, March 5, 2010

續: toronto > Hong Kong

話說上回講到air canada gave me some "gifts" as courtesy.

咁所謂的gift 有咩呢?

首先俾左10 蚊CAD ge restaurant voucher. 但係問題係我o係等之前已經食左早餐. and i didnt know whether i can use it anytime in the future so what i did was getting another one just in case i am hungry in flight .that is gonna be my second breakfast in a day. but not over yet. more to come soon.

Again this is my breakfast, a huge combo. juice, pop, soup and a chicken breast sub.

it's not cheap at all, 9.71 CAD.


And they also offered me $200 CAD air ticket voucher. it's my first time to receive this kind of voucher. i am quite surprised with that. anywayz, not bad.

a deck of boarding pass! the old one and the new one.

Eventually, bounding for Los Angeles(LAX). it has been already 5 hrs stuck at airport. but i am fine with that.Just hanging around at the airport,watching planes.

i was sitting right behind the executive class which allows me to have a lot of legroom,quite easy to move around.

Air Canada係其中一個medium flight ,要俾$$先有in flight meal ge airline.

But while every one was being asked if they wanted to order a meal. i was actually offered a meal for free. Coz they said my ticket was actually claimed by using the air miles from continental airline but flying as an air Canada passenger. i guess they have some kind of partnership.

So i was like .........i just had my breakfast , i still have another one in a bag, what am i supposed to do with the offer? eventually i took the offer. i got the sausage breakfast with drink.

the one below is the manu ,it clearly states the price of each item, quite expensive actually.

it was a boring flight. the flight map of the in-flight entertainment system was down. i didnt even know how far i was away from Los Angeles. i was quite anxious actually. i was hoping i wouldnt miss the connecting flight.

eventually i saw LA!!!

LA 真係好靚.見到d hightway真係發覺lee 個城市幾well organized. 個天氣又好.

最終都到達LA, 咁routine 工作梗係拎行李. 其實去到LA已經發覺時間有點緊. 因為domestic terminal 同international 有點距離, 我事前已經知道要走一段路先可以去到china airlines check in.

o係拎行李度, 一路等,等,等.等到條運輸帶停埋.. 無奈地事實話我聽我D行李應該寄失左........當時心情又冇嬲. 反而只係擔心catch唔到另一班機.

最終我去左air canada 度, 佢check到我d baggage冇上到機,反而跟左另一班機, 透過chicago 先黎到LA. 佢又話如果我要等埋班機到,肯定上唔到機返香. 結果最終都係幫我開左個file,話會直接送到我門口. 直至張itenary confirm 左,我就立即搵方法去international terminal,因為o個度都搞左幾耐下.

始終唔熟個機場, 有人教我坐shuttle,有人教我行.
去到shuttle,個driver又話lee 架車去唔到, 要坐另一架. 又話行路要十分鐘.
如果與其等車,不如跑. 最終都跑到氣喘......搵到china airline.
仲見到好多人排緊隊tim. 再confirm先知道原來自己冇遲到,哈哈.

之前咪講過唔見行李係可以係好事ge?? 到check in 時真係應驗左. 原來airline有個counter係for no bags check in.我一望到, 就望下自己, yee,我咪no bags, 咁咪可以唔洗排.結果真係唔洗排. 感覺猶如打尖一樣, 由拎到boarding pass 到過security,到搵到架機,全程唔洗10分鐘.快到.................

期間仲俾我見到a380 tim,第一次見到咋!!
由於太多時間, 所以就係咁周圍影相!!

my plane !! flying 747 again after 6 years!!

a big qantas a380 at the ramp!

i must come back for you soon!!

baggage are being ditched everywhere at the airport!!what a burn!!

anywayz, 再續....time to go....

1 comment:

  1. I took my pocket size GPS in flight, so I know where am I and heading to, haha....
