好耐又冇update. what happened recently? nothing much. the only thing i wanna say is i went to miami last month for further training.
今次落miami最主要係增加自己o係份resume上的 qualification, 檢討過自己上一次的失利. 發覺自己o係某些能力上係不足. 而且有進步空間. 既然係咁, 除左教飛去build up自己的experience之外, 亦要靠training. 當然花費不非,但幫到自己的錢, 就應該係應洗得洗. 遲早會回本.
今次去左pan am international flight academy,主要係sign up左a320 type rating training.大家都知a320 現今係其中一架最賣得的飛機, 如果apply job之前, 自己已經有a320 的qualification, 對於被考慮的機會會大增.
如是者我就落左miami 20日, 的確係好辛苦的training, 非常intense. 但係既然人地design個training係咁, 定係人類能力範圍以內可以做到的, 咁即係冇藉口都唔到啦.
結果順利地我考取了a320 type rating.之後會點? 其實一早已經有晒計劃. 已經有target的航空公司, 至於係邊間, 應該在十一月明朗化. 我有信心今次這間公司會給大家一個驚喜.
anyway, 下次有機會再講下edmonton
Pan Am International Academy in miami
a320 simulator
I put the cockpit layout on the wall of my hotel room, sorry Marriot
beautiful miami
Enjoy the type rating! Flying A320 is joyful!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:48:24]thank you, that was actually a funny training.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:48:22]謝謝!!!
可否告知個 course 幾多錢 ? 是否有 PPL 就可以上 ?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:47:51]i pay 6999 USD + 1000 for accommodation.
not bad , quite cheap actually.
[好老豆回覆08/16/2012 14:42:45]CPL and multi-engine instrument rating
加油加油! X)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:49:04]thank you very much!!!
type rating要幾多$$?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/17/2012 04:56:01]i paid $6999 for the course, with the accommodation and food, around $10000 USD
HI! I haven't used blog for a long time too! Hope that we both can be more active.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:49:51]so as me, havent been updating for long. i gotta update more, stop being lazy.lol
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:49:59]i am back
Last contact Oct 15 on your way from Winnipeq to The Pas. How's the flying with the Navajo?
ReplyDeleteHave new phone number yet? Icy weather now! Watch for icing.
[版主回覆11/03/2012 08:51:24]hey dave.
i am still alive in the pas, things are doing pretty good, i like the company and the ppl here. It's a peaceful town, no chinese food but ok for now.
i am flying the kingair now, still under training, need one more flight, then start operating as a FO for medevac.
how's YXE?getting cold??
Icy today. In Saskatoon for the weekend. Back home on Monday. text me when. you got your cell no