經過接近兩個月不停工作, 終於累積足夠旅費,再上路, 已定於8月頭返加拿大完成餘下手續.
今次算係第一次正式o係香港工作. 見識到好多野, 亦老實說同加拿大做野手法真係好唔同. 香港工作一定要快, 快, 快. 同埋好多時初返工教完你, 基本上之後好多野要靠自己執生. 變相即係邊做邊學. 有時發覺有些問題係之前從未見過, 教亦未教過, 要到手,靠自己解決問題.
事實上香港節奏真係太快. 感覺就係我只係一條電話線, 要我做到寬頻的速度,的確有點難度. 基本上係做到. 但係幸好仍然頂得順. 我並不享受工作速度, 可是我享受工作上帶俾我的挑戰性, 因為這份工作的確令我學到好多野, 見識更廣, 識到更多不同種族, 界別的人. 眼界大開. 很可惜公司唔俾請無薪假期, 結果在身份同工作上, 我一定要2揀其一, 當然身份更重要, 身份跟一世, 可是工作係殘酷, 做錯野就會俾人炒. 所以已經辭左職, 完左last day.
仲有一個多星期就走. 有點期待. 想睇下有左個合法身份後, 可唔可以搵到第2 d飛行工作. 暫時都唔知, 不過已經準備租架車, 周圍去搵工作.
有一樣野唔講我都唔知. 原來加拿大搵pilot 工, 除左send resume 出去之外, 係要take a road trip,即係揸架車, 去人地門口, walk in 放低resume 同chief pilot 傾. 加拿大通街都係機師, 佢地可能每日都收到好多resume, 與其等佢地揀, 不如walk in 入去, 至少可以表現出自己的誠意. especially 如果你係由一個省特登開車去另一個省, 更顯誠意. 所以車已經reserve左, 到時諗住由thunder bay起步,向西行, 碰一碰運氣. 加上有些朋友, 應該可以幫到手掛.
anyway, 返加拿大再見.
By any chance stop-by if you passing thru Saskatoon or Prince Albert. Make sure your rental car is for "unlimited milage".
ReplyDeleteTiming is not that great for flight instructor postions because winter is coming soon, but for charter flights between northern communities and mining sites, you might have a chance. But as you know there is just too many young pilots in Canada looking for jobs! Turbo-props might be your wings this winter!
Be prepared to stay in the blizzard wilderness (-40Cs) in this coming winter!
[版主回覆08/06/2011 00:48:00]it's highly likely i will stop by saskatoon unless i get a job before arriving i.e. manitoba. i reserved a car with unlimited milage,just that i am not gonna tell them where i will drive. i know it will be a great competition and again it will be a luck testing rather than anything else, just wish my luck is not over yet. right on, scary winter canada, i am coming. lol
ReplyDelete原來要walk in搵工.唔怪之得啦.我朋友都搵左好幾個月.佢終於都搵到喇.返番AC做Junior仔.不過由揸波子轉揸巴士..你地要加油努力丫.
[版主回覆08/06/2011 00:46:00]夠喇, 夠喇. 係時候move on,經歷就足夠了. 其實係要walk in,佢地一日收咁多resume,與其等佢reply,好多人選擇walk in, test the luck. 你朋友? 真係你朋友?or 特殊關係?
俾心機呀! 祝順風!