Monday, June 20, 2011



加多左份full time job,而家一份full一份part time,基本上做足7天, 偶然有個下晝可以休息一下.

咁博原因係我個permanent residence 的申請在上星期正式批左. 基本上已經沒有其他因素會令我得唔到加拿大人的身份. 或者從言語中,大家未感受我的興奮, 但當晚我收到個email的時候, 係興奮到嘈醒左全屋人.

事實上, 我始終適應唔到香港的生活,工作及節奏. 我好怕人車爭路, 人與人之間肩碰肩的感覺. 香港的夏天更令我吃不消. 體力下降得好緊要. 能夠有機會返加拿大重新開始, 我真係感到一種釋放.

最重要係, 今次搞掂移民後, 我可以在加拿大任何一個地方居住,不受限制. 我可以選擇vancouver, toronto, Calgary, 生活上既有唐餐食, 節奏上又不會太過急速.

就係因為咁, 所以在香港打緊兩份工, 希望盡快儲多$$上路, 今次真係一路好走啦. 唔好望返轉頭喇..

不過我不會一下子返加拿大定居住. 由於加拿大移民局要求我8月31日前完成最後手續. 所以我7月尾將來飛返加拿大領取immigration visa 同埋搞埋SIN card,同楓葉卡. 跟住返香港繼續做野, 過埋summer先走. 一定要make sure,有少少盤川先再返加拿大.不過月尾返加拿大, 順道會去Manitoba探一探路,看看有沒有發展的可能.

anyway, 下月尾返加拿大就當係旅遊抖抖啦.

係咪以後唔返香港? 難講,難講. 好多原因影響決定. 如果有好的工作, 一定會返黎!! 但係亦要考慮到成為citizen將會係兩年的事, 到時可能要考慮成家立室等等. 住屋, 醫療, 福利, 社會穩定都係好重要的考慮因素. 到時先算啦, 既來之則安之.



  1. full time job,而家一份full一份part time--- 有 時間勁瞓吧 !!!
    我始終適應唔到香港的生活,工作及節奏-- 我都覺得香港生活真好艱難.又熱.有得走我都走呀!!!!!

  2. 恭喜先..做到楓葉國人.不過好似要坐兩年監BOR.
    [版主回覆06/27/2011 23:42:00]係呀, 本身要3年, 但係由於我在加拿大讀書,工作,o個度可以當一年, 所以只要住2年就夠了.  其實好多因素, 我或者會去winnipeg, edmonton, calgary等有華人,未至於太多的地方, 趁未有家庭,可以周圍住下, 到第時成家立室, 就選擇自己認為最適合的地方.  香港並非差. 實在我跟好多外國人傾過佢地都好喜歡香港, 有些更在香港住左20年有多, 成家立室. 所以我認為係自己問題居多, 我習慣左寧靜, 簡單的生活, 所以對於香港比較熱鬧,嘈炒, 壓迫感大的生活並不習慣. 當時如果ka得左, 可能係另一回事. 因為係飛行工作, 係自己一直想做的事. 但現在所做的事,並非自己想做的, 而且又唔適應香港的生活, 所以有少少唔開心. 我自己都估唔到在一個土生土長的地方有這個感覺. anyway, things always happen for a reason,或者係因為ka衰左,令我可以返加拿大工作之餘, 又可以成家立室呢?who knows. things will only get better.

  3. 恭喜曬!  加油呀! 
    [版主回覆06/27/2011 23:32:00]會呀, 上天俾多次機會我, 看看加拿大有冇我的運氣存在吧.

  4. Note:
    Calgary has the third largest Chinese population in Canada, so it is more "Chinese" than Montreal!
    [版主回覆06/28/2011 00:42:00]is it really? then i will pick edmonton over calgary then. anyway it's not up to me, it's up to where willing to hire me as their pilot.  i would love to go somewhere i havent been before. 

  5. Both Edmonton and Calgary living costs are high. A one bed room suite cost over C$1,000 per month (compare with HK is nothing).
    You will have no trouble to find Chinese friends there....and good Chinese food!
    [版主回覆06/28/2011 01:00:00]it's absolutely crazy.  i remember where i used to live in fredericton was like 470 with all included.that's the reason why new brunswick is one of the poorest province of the country. i think both cities are well developed with good infrastructure. they export oil as well. i really wanna see how chinese it is. as long as i can buy 合味道, 出前一丁, i am cool with the city.

  6. In Calgary and Edmonton they both have T&T (Calgary has 2, I forgot if there is more than one T&T in Edmonton....T&T is in the largest mall in Canada - The Edmonton Mall ....with Hotel, Brand name stores, Casino, Rides and Wave Pool).
    To keep a car also high costs too!
    But business is great there in Alberta!

  7. 加油! 總會找到你最適合同你既理想!
    [版主回覆07/11/2011 13:16:00]thanks,i am hoping for the best. it's all about how much people u know, how strong ur network is i am gonna take a road and see what will happen. how about u??

  8. Usually I get gas from Westwind, I believe they have a few twin turbo props. Most flying between northern communities and mining sites. Saskatoon is a good city to live in (is a University city).
    [版主回覆07/11/2011 13:17:00]the only thing i concern about my application is that i dun have a local number for them, they might not able to reach me even if they are interested in interviewing me. i gotta go back to canada asap and update them wif my local contact no.

  9. 恭喜!祝一切順利及好運!

  10. 你儲盤川還儲盤川呀,小心身體,唔好捱壞啊.... UM...今次我第二次響溫哥華返HK, 同你有相反既感受。 可能我習慣了香港既生活,加拿大對我黎講太悠閒,悠閒到我覺得好苦悶...個人好似好懶惰咁....返到香港,好快就投入返忙碌既生活..可能我天生都係辛苦命....唯一唔得既係, 我返左黎一星期仲有JET LAG..... 呀, 但加拿大有一樣野令我好impressed既, 就係好多local 都非常nice!!
