it was actually the most amazing trip that i have ever had in life. u will c why at the end,lol.
講返個trip 本身
係由 Toronto > Chicago > Los angeles > Taipei > Hong Kong.
但end up係skip左一站. 好事定壞事??? 睇完就知.
話說當日早上7點鐘機去chicago 轉機to LA. 天未光, 夜晚晚, 凍冰冰的情況下, 4點開始出機場. 心諗又要離開toronto ,真係好唔捨得.
夠鐘開工之後都係得小猫3,4 隻.
大家有記憶都記得x'mas o個陣有位恐怖份子要炸美國機. 冇錯, 就係多得佢. 搞到air canada 所有飛機去美國的飛機當陣時都唔可以帶backpack 等hand carry ge luggage 上機.搞到個suitcase塞到爆晒.
只准讓乘客帶個laptop 袋上機. 女仕就可以帶手袋ge.不過我唔係女仕, 所以唯有將個laptop袋塞滿晒我d certificates等生命之源. 放o係suitcase,寄失左咪大鑊??冇錯, 神奇的事就係由些而起.
話說check in完之後收到個boarding pass, 其實個boarding pass都幾怪.因為係冇劃到位置. 佢話係standby ,到時去到個gate先會劃位俾我. 我又未試過. 所以佢話係咪係lor.最緊要上到機, 坐邊度其實冇乜所謂.
到達boarding gate.
本來的flight to Chicago.
當我去問個groundstaff 拎位的時候, 迷團就解開. 原來架機overbooked. 所以可能要kick me out from the flight. that lady promised me to give me another flight which is a direct one from Toronto to Los angeles. but then it will be 30 mins late from my original flight plan.
問題係我去到LA之後要catch 另一班機返香港.所以遲30mins 可能會令我miss 班connection.So i insisted that i wanna make it flight to LAX through Chicago. The groundstaff eventually said if there's any empty seats, she will let me in.
People are boarding now !! And me? just hanging around ,cant do anything!i was hoping for best and also preparing for the worst. I was even thinking to stay overnight in LAX if i cant make the connection.
Anyhow. Gate closed. Me and another guy from caribbean couldnt make the flight. He was pissed coz he was already delayed the night before due to overbooked again.
Eventually problems were solved and i was given another direct flight to LAX together with some "gifts" from air canada for apology.
Let me stop here. I gotta go for dinner. Let me continue tonite.
overbooked always happen, how come?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/03/2010 15:46:00]其實可以好compliated. 簡單黎講. 航空公司要賺$$, 最重要就係每班機要坐滿,載滿. 但係好多客, 好似我咁, 好鍾意改機票, 改時間,改地點. 如果一個係咁, 一班機有十個的話, 一張票當係2000蚊, 十個就係20000, 一班機係20000, 一日如果有10班機, 就廿萬, 一日如果係咁損失廿萬. 咁一年內可想而知佢地會損失幾多. 所以航空公司一定會超賣, 就係有人可以上到機代替lee d臨時唔上機的客. 如果真係超賣,咁佢地就會遊說d志願人仕, 搭第2班機. 賠少少$$,佢地根本唔至在. 其實搞一間航空公司好好玩. 隨著我o係lee 行時間耐左, 我真係學識好多唔止飛行的知識,一d operate 一間航空公司的知識都學到. 原來係有好多學問, 好多技巧o係背後. 當你知道lee d知識之後,你就會識得點樣以最平的價錢買到機票. 期間真係慳左唔少$$.哈哈.
hi instructor,
ReplyDeletehave been reading your blog for a little while, mind asking what bring you home? an offer? welcome home.
[版主回覆03/03/2010 15:37:00]i am trying to look for opportunities now in hk. unfortunately, i am not there yet. i am heading back to canada in a week and continue my work there. how about u?? how are u doing in hk?? nice to meet u btw!!