i passed the cpl exam eventually.
it was tough and tiring. i haven't seen a such difficult, annoying exam!!
i passed with 70% average. i think it's acceptable, not too bad!
thz for everyone's support
i was crazily happy when i was told i passed the exam!
Eventually, i can have a good sleep and some real food to eat!!
but there will be a cpl flight test coming up. hopefully i can pass la!!!
Eventually,i can enjoy the drink. i did not want to drink it coz i was waiting for a important day to drink it. And this day came yesterday.
this is probably the only 2 in the whole new brunswick!!
比心機呀, flight test係要天時, 地理, 人和配合, 但最主要係自己, 一定要鎮定。。 人總會做錯事/決定, 但識得點樣去糾正係任何 flying exam 既重點...... 平安無事既test, 可能令exminer對你要求仲高; 相反, 佢見到你好成熟咁處理到一個問題, 之後既問題都唔會再係問題~~~~ 比心機啦~~~ (做乜搵oasis做背景呀?? 你倒我地米我就冇飯開架啦....我做鬼都唔放過你呀~~~ )
ReplyDelete多謝師兄ge教誨. 我會好努力考埋個flight test. 個flight test其實唔算太難. 最難o個個,我自己反而覺得係spin. 我唔太鍾意做spin, 但考試其中一part係enter the spin and recover from spin. which i don't feel like i want to do it. but anwayz, i will pass it eventually!!! thz for ur words and support. oasis?er......it's a random pic only! and they are going to have flights to CYVR ma!!!! i will see if i can find a a343,going to CYYZ. anywayz, ttul ,take care!
ReplyDelete加oil 呢.....我身邊都有幾個朋友做係"C JI"..知道其實真係要付出好多 同埋要有智慧先做到...你除左考到 就無其他可行選擇 作為路過既 會支持同祝福呢....