Monday, June 25, 2007

First time, seeing a landing gear failure landing today

one of our multi engine aircraft( PIPER SEMINOLE) has a landing gear failure today.

Everyone of our college stopped working. we were all standing on the apron waiting for the aircraft to land without gears. It had no gears at all.

the airplane had to flew for more than an hour to burn the fuel to a minimum in order to lose the weight.

Eventually, the plane landed successfully without any accidents caused. The airplane touched donwn with the buttom of the plane and fortunately not much spark produced. But the fire truck still had to shower the airplane to cool down the plane.

We are all proud of our instructor. He's just amazing.

i have seen it before on youtube.

but just can't believe that it happened here, and of our college's airplane.

People in canada now, should watch CTV or CBC news, i believe they would boardcast this accident.


this is the same one as the one that i am talking about.


Sorry, i could not take any pics or video coz it was too far away and i was focusing on the landing.



  1. Hi there, nice to meet you and all the best. Feel free to visit my blog:
    Which is written in Chinese, English, Italian, French, Spanish and Portugese. 本人為香港展智會 ( 慈善機構 ) 及彩虹樂隊創辦人,演唱觀眾累計有 51,040 人; 願與你為友,網誌有 30 年義務工作分享生活福音見證 , 健康飲食資料,大量旅遊照片分享,歡迎訂閱本人及加入作 blog 友,並加入樂隊出外演唱。

  2. 架機係唔係載兩個人架乍

  3. olwio1仲之就係 有驚無險是啦..........不過d人成日以為飛機好安全 的確佢都係既 但以全球咁計 其實我覺得 日日都會有發生 安全無事故就唔係必然呢....thx god...........(題外話:::查實你依家人係邊樹  )

  4. i am now in New brunswick, canada. 日日都有,只不過睇下新聞有冇報導,OR 是大是小. 總括黎講,作為飛機師, 這些風險係無可避免.   NO, it can take up to 4 people on board.

  5. hi我近香港d..我居廣洲..正為考試作戰.....。算啦...時也命也..作為搭客既我  都無得擔心咁多。坐小型機就會驚d  大機我反而無咩feeling!!

  6. 我個blog開啦,有空請過來參觀一下!~
