因為到vancouver同轉機時間只有3個鐘, 所以出左去一陣就要返機場, 途中見到sky rail, 想當年去vancouver 係冇, 講緊係11年前, 但係有一間叫做海港酒樓就反而仲o係度. 整個richmond都好似被唐人佔據住, 周圍都見到中文字, 的確非常適合退休人仕居住. 至少溝通上唔會出左問題. 連immigration都有翻譯, lee d優待o係toronto係唔會見到的!!
之後就到左行程最主要的第2站, edmonton, 我之前上網搵資料已經知道edmonton係一個幾develop的city. 同埋幾靚,又有railway,又有所謂的地鐵. 交通應該幾方便. 但由於我將會開車周圍去, 所以都決定租左架車, 發覺d 路真係幾好行, 由於冇GPS的關係, 加上我的電話冇上網服務, 結果第一晚要搵酒店都有點難度, 結果我就做左一樣幾衰仔ge野, 就係一路開車, 一路開著電腦, 上google map,去到某一點發覺唔係好對路, 就唯有出highway,搵一個上網點, 邊度有呢? 最直接當然搵間motel啦,因為highway 的出口好多時都有一兩間motel存在, 結果唔識路, 就出highway,搵間motel,停o係佢地出面, 再上google map搵個最update的route.結果都搞左一個鐘要去到間motel.時間已經係晚上差唔多9-10點, 好多野已經關門, 所以唯有駕車周圍行一行. 發覺原來都幾多唐人餐館,幾似模似樣.
第2,3日其實都開車離開左edmonton去左d比較偏遠的地方行一行, 其實係另一有目的, 有機會再講. 唯有去到第3日晚上要有機會去West Edmonton mall行一行. 去edmonton 一定要要去west edmonton mall,事關West Edmonton mall係佢地的最出名的地方, 有幾出名? 佢係全世界第5大的mall, 全北美最大. 入面有一d 類似water slides ge indoor swimming pool, 又有casino( 真係估佢唔到), 仲有一個china town ge area,入面有大統華, 唔熟加拿大的朋友未必知, 大統華係一個o係加拿大好成功的唐人品牌, 咩都有得賣. 類似香港的吉之島, 唐人如果去買送,好多時去大統華已經足夠有餘. 除此之外, 又有一個室內的amusement park,類似o個d機動遊戲的遊樂場. 又係indoor,即一年365年都唔會受天氣影響. 入面超大, 大得有點恐怖, d rides有刺激, 又mini games絕對適合一家大細去玩. 又有imax theature ,基本上整日都唔洗離開個mall, 對於冬天出面白雪紛紛黎講, 絕對係一個好好消閒的好地方. 我自己真係好鍾意lee個mall,可惜我去到已經係6點幾, 加拿大就係咁, d鋪頭5,6已經開始關門. 最鍾意佢地曾經同我講" don't work too hard" .
anyway, 就係咁完成4日o係edmonton的trip,我自己真係好鍾意edmonton, 雖然我o係加拿大8年,但係未至於去過晒所有省份,但係好少有city,我係第一次去到已經唔想離開, 佢地比vancouver,toronto的確冇咁繁忙,但係絕對係一個好有potential 的城市. 而且車同人唔算多, 好舒服. 由於alberta有份出產石油,我預計alberta成個省發展潛力好高. 因為會有好多就業的機會o係度.加上唐人亦算係多, 唐人餐館食ge野都算正宗, 又有麵包鋪, 又有星,馬,泰野食, 已經好滿足, 當然以new brunswick作對比啦!!
If you like Edmonton....you will love Calgary! Check it out.
ReplyDelete[Dave回覆11/22/2011 09:26:45]Calgary (Banff is only 80miles west) is famous on its "Chinook" weather. Some days you will experience winter / summer / autumn and spring on the same day. T-shirts and heavy winter jackets are must in the vehicles if you are travelling. It had snow in June some years.
But in winter, you might found yourself in short sleeves (for a shot while of course).
It is good to visit Banff year round, even you don't like winter sport (skiing / hiking or snow mobile rides) the sceneries are one of the best in the world. Both summer and winter you should also visit.
Another way to make some extra income too, you can check with HK Flying Club on their PPL pilots and find who wishes accompany ship (small group of course) them flying thru the Rockies between Calgary and Vancouver in summer months on the rental planes. Mountain flying is gorgeous experience.
Calgary is more a new commercial city closer to the US border and Edmonton -the Capital of Alberta, is an industrial city 300km north . Company private jets from Calgary International Airport are common and has more traffic and more flights.
[版主回覆11/22/2011 08:47:47]Definitely, Calgary is more modernized, dun know if it does have anything to do with their location because edmonton is more up north than Calgary. However it's sad only up north companies will take low time pilots like me. The Chinese food in edmonton is average, not so expensive but not much options for sure.
Next time, i wish for the opportunity to take a look of Calgary, maybe going down to Banff as well. Do u know when's the best season to visit Banff??
[Dave回覆11/19/2011 05:39:56]Edmonton actually is a rather "old industrial city" compares with Calgary. City planning and community of Calgary is more modernized than Edmonton.
Most companies have their headquarters in Calgary and the logistical backup bases and productions in Edmonton.
Calgary has the 3rd largest Chinese population in Canada after Toronto and Vancouver. And has many beautiful sceneries. Nice place to fly out as a pilot!
[版主回覆11/19/2011 01:41:19]i wish but i didn't have this trip. I heard Calgary is more developed than edmonton. Edmonton is still expending,quite aggressive.
i will do that next time.!!!Definitely it was fun to visit somewhere out west.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/19/2011 01:42:06]今次未有機會到, 我連有china town都唔知.
都係咁arm朋友講起,我先知. 不過今次公事為主, 所以冇乜時間周圍走.
Edmonton正確中文名係 埃德蒙頓
ReplyDelete三十幾年前, Edmonton city 既中文係愛蒙頓市。埃德蒙頓是在大約十年前由大陸人改的。