轉轉接接,又返到加拿大. 不過今次只係短暫停留, 下年1月中返香港
其實這個決定黎得非常急, 係上星期5先決定返加拿大處理一d公事.
由於香港方面最新消息係叫我1月先call佢地, 而張ticket又夠期. 所以決定不如趁個假期返加拿大搬屋,同埋搞d公事.
在離開香港之前, 我有資訊過我加拿大的老闆,問佢不如我返加拿大做住野先,等有消息先香港, and that's what she said in the email
"We are not short on staff and if you think there is opportunity there I suggest you remain in Hong Kong and continue the process.
Good luck, Merry Christmas and keep me updated."
就係咁. 我就決定返加拿大搬d野走,因為自從返左香港之後,一直交緊"吉"租, 同埋cell phone, 而每個月要俾$500 加紙, 非常破費. 我諗住搬d野either 去garage 度,或者放o係朋友度, 我搵個D garage, 每個月只需俾70蚊. 一個月慳400蚊到, 兩個月慳800, o個度計起差不多5XXX. 仲貴過我到時返香港張來回機票.不過呢,之所以張機票咁平, 係因為有兩程機係用飛行里數換返黎. 勁抵坐.
結果12月24日就孤身上路. 本來諗住o係機場打兩隻字, 好衰唔衰胃痛.本來諗住頂得下. 但入左閘後就愈黎愈痛. 我有諗過去醫療室, 但我驚入左醫療室,隨時miss左班機, 所以就周圍搵milk, 因為聽講milk可以令個胃冇咁痛. 如是者,周圍搵鮮奶, 但係入面原來冇7仔, 但當時真係勁痛. 每提腳都勁辛苦. 最終搵到burger king, 諗住早餐應該有milk賣喇, 點不知都係冇, 結果過左去burger king隔離o個間野(到而家都唔知o個間賣乜,一來當時個胃勁痛,2來冇心機去留意), 淨係問佢有冇奶賣, 點不知真係有bor,但貴到....22蚊一細杯. 不過好過冇. 坐低左飲完, 抖下又真係好左d. 以防再痛, 去埋萬寧買胃藥. o拍左兩粒先上機.所以咩相都冇影過.sor!!!
一上機,立即訓, 訓得勁舒服, 時間過得勁快. 一醒來已經係機程的一半, approaching緊alaska.
又回到會落雪的地方, 見到已經唔想落機.
今次係坐continental airline直航newark.
去到new jersey(new york)再轉機返加拿大.
未有耐上機, 周圍行下先.
Welcome to NYC
一包chips, 一個chocolate bar,一包source,一個turkey/ham sub.
特別之處, 唔好以為係佢serve你,而係佢推架車黎, 自己拎.勁自助. 正所謂"help yourself".
個sub勁Q版. 我食兩啖已經冇晒. 勁d外國人點算呢? 當然係再來一客啦.
以前我對lee d sub好反感, 但自從o係加拿大住左咁多年之後, 咩都慣晒, d肉凍冰冰咁,但心諗, 有得食已經好好喇, 有時坐內陸機, 慘情到淨係派cookies and drink.
in-flight drink.
由於東岸近來天氣都好穩定, 成程機都有turbulence.訓唔到. 就係咁經過差不多2個鐘機.終於返到加拿大. 又凍過............
空無一人的機場. 平安夜, 的確好平安.
由上機一刻去返到加拿大, 足足20個鐘, 非常的疲累.
一去到機場, 真係感受到真正的凍..
我朋友搞笑話, 返到屋企, 開雪櫃, 你唔會知道個雪櫃係咪work,因為出面同外面一樣凍.
真係凍. 好在只係留兩個星期, 下月11號就可以返到亞熱帶lu!!
Merry Christmas~~~ wish you will have a very hot Christmas next year in ADL No one sit in check-in counter on Christmas eve? oh and btw, u know you can buy hot milk from any coffee shop.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/25/2009 22:01:00]maybe not, if i am taking a short one,haha, it's gonna be half year,lol u know, canada is canada, wont work before holidays and during holidays. i didnt realise that man,i was at starbucks but then i didnt see any signs of selling milk. also a long queue. anyhow, merry x'mas, have a good one.
I have been driving most of the time this winter, I still have no 406MHz ELT installed on my plane for flying north of 55.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to the deep freeze!
Last week was cold with wind chill (Dec 17) -50C, I started out at 5:00am to Outlook, Saskatchewan (275km oneway).By 7:00am I got a flat tire. I left my 4X4 and rented another 4X4 continue my trip. I retruned at 4:30pm and fixed up the tire after and heading home. No point replacing the tire in the dark and -50C.
Life is usual in the deep cold and as I always say if others can survive...I can too. As long as preparation and decision are good, no matter flying or driving are safe.
[版主回覆12/27/2009 18:22:00]u r definitely right. if people can do it, u can too. but then driving wif -50c weather is something that i cant imagine. was it difficult to start the engine?? how's the road condition there? great?or normal?? i drove to pick up my stuff today, it's fairly good, not much ice or snow on the highway.but then i still cant drive at night coz of jet lagging. i will go down to YYZ tomorrow,hopefully it's gonna be a good one.lol take care and enjoy ur holiday
Unlike Toronto and Vancouver, we have “block heaters” (110V) built-in on our vehicles, which heat up the radiators before starting in the cold weather. The road conditions can be seen in my blog.
ReplyDeleteSame as the plane, I have an 110V warm air heater installed in the engine compartment and needs to be plugged-in hours before starting the engine. If I need to fly in next cold morning, I usually leave it powered on over-night. Also I need to plug-in the heater after I landed in the destination airport. Same time put the wing covers and engine cover in place.
By the way, I never dress like a “snow man”, just a light winter jacket most of the time. Good planning and preparation means the heavy winter coats and boots are carried along only as emergency aims.
[版主回覆01/14/2010 10:38:00]that's cool, coz i guess our cars didnt equip with that heater. we do have that for the air plane actually. we suck the hot air in at the air inlet to heat the engine up before starting the engine. the entire east coast was pretty cold when i was there. part of new brunswick was out of power. that's crazy!! anywayz, how's ur life there? anything update??
All the best in 2010, finish your personal stuff & back to HK (never -50C) hehe~~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/14/2010 10:38:00]thanks,mate!! it's gonna be a good year,hopefully!