Hello to you.Many many congrad to you.It's your dream come true.I am very happy for you.It remind me my 2 most important gradluation days in my life.The first one was back to 1994 when I graduated from the United States Marine Corps academy and the recruit training.The second was in Adeliade when I completed my CPL training. You never know maybe one of these days we will fly together. Happy takeoff UA747 [版主回覆04/13/2008 01:37:00]So u used to be a military??? FTA is a good college to start ur training, But how did u start ur career?? as an instructor?? or flying for regional airline to build up ur turbine time?? any suggestions on how i should start my career path??? thz ttul
恭喜恭喜, 這是你一個Milestone呢!
ReplyDelete下一步就是當飛機師, 俾心機!
[版主回覆04/12/2008 23:04:00]係啦, 嚴格黎講,都叫做讀完書. 要加油搵工作, 係時候成家立室喇,哈哈.!!!
恭喜晒呀! 你真係好勁!繼續努力呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/12/2008 23:05:00]非也, 仲要繼續加油, 現在只係剛起步. 仲有排跑先退得休!!!KEKE!
congratulation!!! wondering wht's flight shcool's 畢業禮 like. 所有飛機列隊歡送你們+有飛機挂著 "xxx course graduation 2008"的標語在學校上空飛來飛去??? 還是同學互相推大家入swimming pool??? 記得影返張好似CP/DA果D "五星戰隊"的型仔相wor
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/12/2008 23:07:00]其實我都幾好奇. 因為上年冇份去, 今年擔正. 唔知排場如何呢?? 水就唔好玩喇,仲凍緊!!!!! 到時會係點, 下回分解!!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/12/2008 23:07:00]thz!!! 我睇下你小朋友條片, 洛洛好可愛!!!
ReplyDeleteo岩o岩test 完, 下星期就畢業. 好efficient!!!
[版主回覆04/12/2008 23:09:00]係呀, 其實點解會比大學早, 因為每年公司招聘高峰係spring. 所以早grad,早人一步去搵工. 對學生本身黎講都有好處!!
而家打爆機, 鬆一口氣啦!!!!
[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:26:00]多謝, 多謝!!! 感謝一直支持. 果然係做銀行, 對數字特別敏感. 兩億太少wor!!!
原來係呢d 打爆機, 哈哈~~ 恭喜恭喜~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:28:00]其實當佢係打機咁, 係為自己減壓, 希望o係一個輕鬆的氣氛去進行. stress management 都好重要ga.
congratulations ar!!!!!!!!!!!! 好想快d好似你咁
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:29:00]一齊努力.. 世界冇盡頭,冇不可能的事.
[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:30:00]多謝你的留言. 我會繼續行的路. 甚至開turbo tim ga!!
Hello to you.Many many congrad to you.It's your dream come true.I am very happy for you.It remind me my 2 most important gradluation days in my life.The first one was back to 1994 when I graduated from the United States Marine Corps academy and the recruit training.The second was in Adeliade when I completed my CPL training.
ReplyDeleteYou never know maybe one of these days we will fly together.
Happy takeoff
[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:37:00]So u used to be a military??? FTA is a good college to start ur training, But how did u start ur career?? as an instructor?? or flying for regional airline to build up ur turbine time?? any suggestions on how i should start my career path??? thz ttul
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:32:00]希望可以快d為你效勞!!!多謝.
恭喜你wor, 等左甘耐就係睇你呢一篇! 加油, 為未來奮鬥!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/13/2008 01:31:00]希望將來有多一點好消息帶俾你地啦. 個blog可以撐到而家, 都係靠你地的支持同鼓勵!!!
ReplyDeletesupport u~!!!