Tuesday, December 11, 2007

考左IFR written, resulted in positive.

Eventually, i finished the IFR written exam
it's just tricky.
it's not like i am not able to answer the questions.
but they always want to trick you, allow to fall into the traps.
they always provide you with 2 answers which are really similar,very similar.
i knew i have been fallen into certain traps.
they are not trying to test you whether you understand the concepts or not.
the key is to see whether u are a very careful person.

Even though u may remember everything from the books, it does not make a big deal.

i did the exam twice, using up most of the time.
like what my instructor is said always "RTFQ*2"
which stands for reading the fxxking question twice.
basically, that's probably the first thing they told us before doing exams.
and it's really true though.

anywayz,it's all over.
no more study til next year!!
flying, flying and flying!!!


  1. 考完就唔好再諗啦.
    [版主回覆12/14/2007 04:21:00]都係ge!! 反正都冇得上訴. 唯有o係flight test考好d!!! 爭氣呀!!!

  2. 盡左努力就能了~whatever考成點~
    [版主回覆12/14/2007 04:22:00]暫時未輕鬆得住,仲得flight test要考!

  3. 恭喜晒﹐咁樣你就享受下個Christmas holiday啦~~如果D雪唔係令到你街都出唔到既話~~
    [版主回覆12/14/2007 04:23:00]x'mas都要飛ar!!! 你返香港,玩得開心d呀!!!!食多d野呀.過一個勁難忘的x'mas!!
