thz again.
i can't believe that u would send me gums this x'mas
i thought u have forgotten it already,man!!
i can't cry coz u would 笑爆.
But very emotion!!
especially, i am really lonely here, all the roomates are gone.
when i picked it up at the dispatch, i felt so warm, seems like u guys are walking next to me.
i like the gums.
whom who don't know, airwave is just like my energy bar. i like having
gums when flying which can release my pressure, improve my performance.
unfortunately, there's none in canada but u still remember to get me some.
i will treasure them.
Even reuse them ,haha!!! just jk!!!
but with these support, oh man!i will be working so hard in the future.
not going to upset everyone i know.
i believe, one day, i will be ur pilot, flying u guys bak to hk.
appreciate everyone.
i can't name everyone,too many.
but i receive the messages. no doubt, i will be much much better that the one u used to know.