Saturday, December 29, 2007

So fortune to have a frd,like u

thz my friend, my mui!
thz again.

i can't believe that u would send me gums this x'mas
i thought u have forgotten it already,man!!

i can't cry coz u would 笑爆.
But very emotion!!
especially, i am really lonely here, all the roomates are gone.
when i picked it up at the dispatch, i felt so warm, seems like u guys are walking next to me.
i like the gums.
whom who don't know, airwave is just like my energy bar. i like having
gums when flying which can release my pressure, improve my performance.

unfortunately, there's none in canada but u still remember to get me some.
i will treasure them.
Even reuse them ,haha!!! just jk!!!

but with these support, oh man!i will be working so hard in the future.
not going to upset everyone i know.
i believe, one day, i will be ur pilot, flying u guys bak to hk.

appreciate everyone.
i can't name everyone,too many.
but i receive the messages. no doubt, i will be much much better that the one u used to know.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Proud ?

i spoke with my friend here.

He told me he's so proud of himself as a commercial pilot and soon to be an instructor.

i feel so shocked with what he said coz for me i am not that proud of myself as commercial pilot.

i don't know why.

i feel like i am not working for an airline so i cant call myself a commercial pilot.

What most people think, the definition of a word "pilot" means
a person who flies a commercial jet or an airline pilot but not a guy
holding licenses and unemployed by an airline.

He told me that i should start telling people that i am a commercial pilot.

Make urself proud of what u are doing.

To be really honest, if an unknown frd comes to me ask me what i do,
what major i take, i would say aviation but not going further.

i guess if i tell them i am a commercial pilot, the next question would
probably be "what airline are u flying for?" or "Are u flying 747??"
that kind of questions.

i just don't know how to answer, i don't want to upset them.

so what i used to think is tell them ONLY IF i am hired by an airline otherwise, just keep it secretly.

But starting from today, i should be proud of myself, proud of my career. People would respect u only if u have confidence.

I love flying!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Today i went to my school PR's family for supper.
She's really nice to us coz we don't have family here.
I have been there before last year

Her kids are just so cute!!
Very friendly and not afraid of other people.
So fortunate that they could still remember me!!!

well!!from what i observed, i found that there are different way of teaching kids between chinese and western style.

從我留意到, 佢地唔會鬧佢地的小朋友, 同埋好識得控制小朋友的emotion,
令佢地唔會扭計, 好聽話.好自動自覺.
例如, 例翻左d食物,佢地唔會話佢, 反而好細心幫佢抹乾淨.
而且就算有賓客,佢都會抽時間出黎陪佢地的小朋友玩,仲好involved tim!!!
好似尋日咁,佢地送左部V俾佢地的小朋友, 唔單止為佢地set up, 而且一齊玩埋一份.

我發覺西方國家教小朋友真係有一套, 有好多值得借鏡的地方.
至少, 佢地父母會放好多時間o係佢地仔女身上, even 放左工都可以陪佢地打ice hockey,少d 精力都唔得. 我真係好佩服.
或者咁話, 加拿大唔似香港, 工作上壓力冇咁大, 而且more focus on family gathering. 就算係公司都好理解,好少offer OT. 同埋,放假,就真係放假, 完全唔諗公事. 家庭樂最重要.

所以我自己個人覺得, 加拿大會係一個好適合小朋友成長的地方.
我回想起我小學, 每星期只有兩堂PE堂, 加埋只有一個小時.
但o係度, 就算係GYM都可係一個semester ge mandatory subject, 每日上一個多小時.
淨係咁, 已經可以睇得出加拿大的education system係幾照顧到小朋友的身心發展,not mark oriented!

我有幸曾經o係加拿大讀過highschool, 發覺兩地high school的分野真係好大. 真係會有好多值得借鏡ge地方. 我o係加拿大讀high school真係幾relax,可以真正享受讀書的樂趣. 其實好難o係度一一講晒, 但個感覺真係好唔同, 如果可以, 其實將自己的仔女放o係加拿大讀書也是一個不錯的選擇!!

blog友們, 揀定location未呢??

Saturday, December 22, 2007

考完flight test,都有差不多2日, 心情仍然係興奮, 開心.
個人真係成身鬆晒. 好relax. 訓得特別舒服. 而家訓得特別多.

lee幾日得到好多朋友,instructors的祝賀. 或者大家都曾經經歷過,所以都明白到意義十分重大.
對我意義係.終於證明左我並唔係靠幸運先考到之前的PPL. 同埋,亦說明左我過黎真係想做一個飛機師,並唔係just for fun. 我記得當時我決定唔讀U, 去飛行學校學飛,好多人都覺得好不智, 加上一直航空界,especially pilot,o係香港並不普及, 可能身邊一千個人都冇一個係飛機師. 所以俾人一個行頭十分窄的感覺. 加上, 在普遍人心目中大多機師都係外國人, 所以覺得香港人要成為飛機師更加難.. 但係難, 並唔係冇可能. 要做, 就有可能. 加上大學給我的offer並非係我最鍾意的program,又冇aviation related subjects.所以先決定離開toronto, 再向北行.
離開toronto差唔多一年有多, 事實證明左當初決定正確. o係飛行學校真係識到好多志同道合的朋友, 大家都係為衝上雲霄而努力. 生活雖然冇大學的多姿多彩, 但亦有佢特別之處. 現在已經more than half way to be done. 表現也不錯. 我自己都好滿意.

最令我感慨係,而家得來的並不輕易. 曾經有段時間真係好辛苦, 一直struggle, 更曾擔心, 會唔會技止於此呢??幸好, 得到好多朋友支持,鼓勵. 同埋一個唔認輸的心. 終於捱到而家. 我現在雖然唔係學校中最出色的pilot,但至少都係一個合格的pilot, 不比任何一個差ga!!

但係要多謝的人真係有好多. 冇佢地, 我今日都冇機會寫咁多野, 向你地分享咁多.
第一個要多謝的係一個我好鍾意的女仔. 多謝妳.
由05年summer你的bday, 直至而家, 每一次出去玩, 每一晚同你傾電話都係開心.難忘的. 曾經我地係有機會一齊, 怪就只好怪我, 一直冇你表白. 連你身邊朋友都話應該向你講. 唯一可講, 我真係冇咁ge勇氣, 加上, 當時已經決定離開toronto, o係冇foundation ge情況下, 要相隔異地, 對你也並不公平. 而且我知道我而家的program好instense, 好難話有spare time去傾電話. 所以當時決定都係唔好講啦.
結果機會一唔把握, 就會流走. 到今年summer, 卻反而o係成數不大的情況下係講左, 結果當然係being rejected.
雖然唔可以同你一齊, 但我哀心祝你搵到你心目中的最愛. 我會繼續努力.做我的pilot.
到現在,你o係我心目中的地位依然不變.thz, kt!

第2個, 係一個我香港的好朋友, 佢表面上係一個好cool的人,但一直好緊張我. 一直好支持我去努力學飛, o係香港眾多朋友中,佢係唯一經常問候我, 關心我學飛學到點. 雖然只係msn的一,兩句說話, 但力量已很大. 下年你就要去澳洲讀書, 我祝福你學業進步. 將來凱旋而歸. thz, carlos!

第3個, 係一個女仔, 但我地並唔係理邊個係男,邊個係女, 好多時我會唔記得佢係女仔, 佢會唔記得我係男. 我地乜都講一餐. 又一齊去行下街, 食飯. 感情相當要好. 佢一直好支持我,好care我. 好多時都有打long d搵我傾計,關心我. up to now, 我都冇令你失望. 而我也為你感到好開心, 因為你終於找到一個好錫你的男仔. 以前我會好擔心你俾人厄, 但現在我會好放心. 因為he is the best. thz elina, 我會努力.你也要好好跟他開心快樂呀!!

當然仲有其他好好朋友,但o係度不能盡錄. 希望唔好介懷,地每一個人說話,我都會放o係心中.

最後真係要好多謝各位blog友, 經常留言, 雖然我個blog並不美,又唔係成日update,但都有超過一萬人次黎過.thank you!!appreciate!!


今次講野比較多, 希望大家唔好介意.
同埋好少分享自己的感情事. 希望大家唔好嫌leung啦.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

今天,a day to remember!


我pass左個CPL flight test, 正式獲取commercial pilot license.



多謝你的留言, 你地的留容言變成了我的動力.
令我今日可以pass到flight test

雖然我地未曾見面, 但可以o係網上相識, 亦好支持我.

thanks, i will keep working hard. 再進一步.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Tomorrow afternoon, i will be having my cpl flight test.
less than 24 hrs from now.
no kidding, very nervous

i do want to pass coz this flight test has been occupying my time for last couple weeks.
i want to get it done, i want to pass.

i am capable to pass, but u will never know what's going to happen tomorrow, like the weather, traffic, body condition etc.

this test could be one of most important steps in my life.

we'll c what happen tmr!!

if i don't come bak tmr, meaning i probably fail.

go!!let's go for it!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

i eventually got recommanded for CPL flight test!!

eventually, i got recommaded for the CPL flight test
i was extremely happy, so emotion!!!
today's flight was just awesome!!!
nice spinning, nice stalls, nice steep turns, nice landings!

this week is probably the best week ever since in this college

i do hope i will finish the flight test before x'mas
so that i would have little bit more time to sleep.

from very bottom to almost the top. Such an awesome journey
Eventually it comes to an end!!

here is the meal today, a big 12 inch pizza, tastes very good,
less than 15mins, i finished the pizza, no kidding, i was super hungry!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

考左IFR written, resulted in positive.

Eventually, i finished the IFR written exam
it's just tricky.
it's not like i am not able to answer the questions.
but they always want to trick you, allow to fall into the traps.
they always provide you with 2 answers which are really similar,very similar.
i knew i have been fallen into certain traps.
they are not trying to test you whether you understand the concepts or not.
the key is to see whether u are a very careful person.

Even though u may remember everything from the books, it does not make a big deal.

i did the exam twice, using up most of the time.
like what my instructor is said always "RTFQ*2"
which stands for reading the fxxking question twice.
basically, that's probably the first thing they told us before doing exams.
and it's really true though.

anywayz,it's all over.
no more study til next year!!
flying, flying and flying!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


today is probably the worst day here in New Brunswick.
video is as follow:

全moncton 幾乎全面停頓, 除左wal mart and sobeys
雪都唔會有人剷, 皆因剷唔切.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

not good!

I have flown couple times this week.

the performance is going down rapidly. 

so upset!!something that i was able to do but could not show in front of instructor this week.

he's so worried and i am so upset and so mad at myself.

sigh!!very depressing.

i don't know what's going on this week. i feel like i am not controlling my hands but my brain does. it always gives improper reactions against procedures.

i totally understand the procedures but can't do it during the flight.
