Tuesday, November 6, 2007

extend左medical but.....................


after 個medical exam,

發覺自己輕左20磅. 20磅, 係20磅, 足足3袋金象米咁多呀!!!

其實自己都估到會輕左coz 好多時飲食唔定時, 食ge野就更加唔洗講啦.............始終唔係住家飯, 有碗湯, 有"食送" 食.

我會understand 我未必可以餐餐好. 但輕左咁多就真係有d unexpected. 一下子減得咁快, 距離代言人條路都不遠lu!!!

除左輕左之外, 仲發覺我矮左5cm.天生已經矮, 今年仲少多5cm. 諗極都覺得唔logically, but 真係矮左(>.<)!!!!

anywayz, 快d讀完, 快d返香港, 咁咪可以歸家食碗飯,飲碗湯啦. 所以要加油. 為碗湯而努力!!!



IFR written + commercial flight test = 忙.


btw,今日係我老朋友生日, 在此向她講聲生日快樂, 白頭到老!


  1. 自己一個在外地. 保重身體呀! 輕o左都幾好呀. 健康咪得lor! 不過點解會矮o左? 有無度錯呀?
    [版主回覆11/09/2007 12:56:00]輕左係好. 但有樣野係好怪, 我自問我都係soft drinks ge fans,一日至少都一罐,但體重仍然係減左.
    雖然好多女user可能好羨慕,但係好似我咁,離奇的減,並不係一個good sign!! it's a sigh!!!!
    至於矮左, 仍然係一個問號.

  2. 點會矮左架? 縮水?
    [版主回覆11/09/2007 12:57:00]真係唔知點解矮左!!勁慘,本身已經矮, 仲要再矮.
    瘦得健康就係好. 好似我而家咁樣輕左, 其實唔太好,plus冬天黎緊. 更加表現出身體弱.

  3. 20LB?!!!  It would be nice if i can lose 10LB~~hehehe....anyways~i totally understand why u lose 20LB in NB..haha...no good food, no mooncake...no noodles...no nothing....seems like ur place is very PIN PICK!!
    [版主回覆11/09/2007 13:04:00]haha!!if u want to lose weight, learn flying is probably the best way. With irregular flight schedule and groundschool, it's hard to have 3 meals in a day, sometimes not even 2.
    there are junk food everywhere in N.B.A lot of fast food shop, some of them only avilable in N.B, but i am quite sick of them now. ,plus, they are expensive.
    pin pick?偏僻? moncton is more like a village than a city, peopl are quite friendly here, much better than toronto but not my cup of tea. i am still a city guy!!!

  4. ohhh...輕左咁多?! 你努力d 增返d磅la..take care.. 真係好奇wor..點解會矮左geh? 仲要咁多.....無可能架wor...
    [版主回覆11/09/2007 13:11:00]有呀!!!雖然冬天黎緊, 我已經準備左雪糕, 汽水, 以備不時之需.!!
    不過最重要, 係健康, 最緊遲下病左, 病左,冇得飛,又delay晒所有野.仲慘.(>.<).
    唉.我都想知呀. 多數係人年紀大先會, 我唔會係老掛??
    but the thing is i am actually shorter than before!!sigh!!

  5. 咁正...教吓我點瘦呀!~~~
    [版主回覆11/16/2007 14:12:00]that's the reason why u may want to become a pilot.

  6. 嗯? 唔緊要 返HK肯定會肥飯 日日有屋企人的愛心晚飯嘛
    [版主回覆11/16/2007 14:12:00]所以勁期待返家.
    不過尚有半年時間.not even close now!
