i am doing well, work and sleep ,not doing much.
my students are doing quite well,actually.
Recently i saw something cool ,wanna share with you guys.
之前有blog友提到, 做instructor,係咪高風險, 咁而家就分享下其實做flight instructor可以有幾高風險.
其實真係學飛, 梗係唔係只係學take off, landings咁簡單啦, 如果係咁簡單, 我地就唔值$$ ga 喇, 其實要教一個學生成為pilots,係有好多野教, for examples, slow flight, stalls, spins, spiral dives,forced approach, precautionary landings, diversions等等啦, 仲有好多, 不過暫時唔多講, 咁計落我自己覺得最危險,或者最刺激,有幾個exercise, spins, spiral dives.
spins 係點??
簡單黎講, 係轉. 點轉??
俾段youtube 片大家睇下就一清2楚喇.
睇完, 係咪覺得好刺激呢?? 其實幾好玩ga!
但係要教, 真係難教.
因為就敢睇梗係覺得好玩啦, 但係上到機, 就真係兩回事.
咁我要做ge 就係enter the aircraft into a spin, the student has to recovery from a spin.
正常人如果驚會點呢?就係搵野捉住. 情況同你地玩過山車一樣, 驚就會搵野捉.
有時學生太驚, 就會唔記得自己要做住d咩. at the end 架機只會繼續spins,spins,spins.
或者因為驚, 而apply 錯ge recovery procedure,咁就仲大鑊, 架機已經近乎直插地下, 如果佢地apply wrong recovery procedure, they will make the spin tighter and tighter, 架機只會spin得更加勁.
如果個spin tight係好唔舒服, 好辛苦. the student usually feels uncomfortable when they case out the dive, putting too much G force,make urself feel heavier, causing red-out.
我近排同學生做左好多spins, 真係做到冇晒feel.
以前做學生,或者會驚, 而家已經冇晒feel, 淨係知道要醒醒定定, 隨時救機.
亦都影左d相, 俾大家睇下.
lee個attitude indicator ,簡單黎講, 啡色係represent ground, 藍色represent sky.
spins 完之後, 我地竟然將佢反轉左, 點解??spin得太勁. 變sky is ground, ground is sky. 好癲.
仲有video啊, spin完左之後, 我地之後發覺個attitude indicator 傻左, 自己自轉. 我自己真係第一次見. 覺得好型. 所以拍低左.
正常ge attitude indicator 應該係咁.
top is sky , bottom is ground.
我自己本身唔鍾意spins, 我同學生做spins只係工作需要.o係冇需要ge情況下, 唔會特登同學生做spins.
情況同病and 食藥一樣.
病就會食藥, 但好地地, 我唔會特登搵藥食.
因為我覺得飛機係用黎載人from one place to another, 唔係用黎玩. so i only do spins when it's necessary.
another sharing.
我其實有個希望, 他朝有一日 o係runway 行.
其實邊有可能呢?? o係runway 行bor. runway係俾飛機行,唔係俾人.
i am on runway!!
why??coz of this
my frd's plane got a flat tire.
要搵人黎幫手推, 其實唔算推, 而係要幾個人抬起架機推離跑道.
其實好重. 千幾磅. 唔易抬.
就係lee個車, 載我地出runway,
前面o個飛機就係armarm touch down.
coz we have 2 runways at the airport.
其實企o係runway 上面,好舒服, 風大, 同埋,真係可以近距離睇住d飛機降落. 好爽.
不過只限light aircrafts, not big jets.
big jets ge wake turbulence 可以強到隨時分你屍都似![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uNaVhw77jVbYuVf6IYMR7mlAHJBiOEQE4fcERGxiVN3kMITHfettrQM-EMhtHqk-d02pJx-viuPlm7ZUjf-Jy9Vz3HsX3yTw=s0-d)
anywayz, i am gotta , so looking forward to be back to toronto.